Connect Wallet
Connect Wallet is an out-of-the-box UI solution for connecting users' wallets to web3 applications and games. With its customizable UI and extensive wallet options, this component allows for flexibility in supporting various wallet types including non-custodial, custodial, smart wallets, and embedded wallets.
Custom Connect Wallet UI
If you want to use the SDK to connect wallets to your app but would like to create a completely custom UI with your own buttons and modals, you can use the available Hooks, Connectors Configurators and functions.
View the Custom Connect Wallet UI documentation..
Build your own wallet connector using the Wallet SDKK and add this wallet to Connect Wallet by following this guide.
Interacting with Contracts
Once you have connected to a wallet, you can interact with contracts using the useContract
import { useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const contract = useContract("<contract-address>");
By using the thirdweb SDKs, you can easily connect and execute wallet actions.